
A Roadmap to 
Career Growth
New Opportunities
Endless Creativity
Professional Freedom
Step One
Explore our offerings
Unlock the potential of your freelance career at Marcelo and Co. Discover our comprehensive support, prime location, and competitive pricing that make us the ideal place for your freelance services.
Step One
Step Two
Connect With Us
Take the first step towards your new freelance journey. Complete our Freelance Application form with your professional background and desired services. We’re eager to learn about you and discuss how we can work together.
Step Two
Step Three
Secure Your Spot
Finalize your place at Marcelo and Co by reviewing and signing our Terms and Conditions. This essential step ensures that you’re all set to work with us and also allows you to book a trial day to test the waters.
Step Three
(Optional) Step Four
Experience the Difference
Experience the Marcelo and Co difference with a complimentary trial day. Discover our working environment and see firsthand how our vision aligns with your career aspirations.
(Optional) Step Four
Step Five
Build a Profile
Stand out with a personalized profile on our website. Craft a compelling bio and take a professional photo, giving potential clients insight into your expertise and making it easier for them to book your services.
Step Five
Last Page

Contact information

Not all the required fields are filled out.

Professional Info

Your Profession *
What type of profession will you be providing?
Have you worked in your chosen field before?
We use this to gauge how best to tailor our support and resources to your needs if at all.
Work Availability
To keep track of our space available, do you have any days you wouldn't work ordinarily?
Note: The salon currently doesn't open Sunday or Monday
Days ordinarily not working *
Do you currently hold a Visa?
To better understand your work eligibility and help cater to any requirements.
What Visa do you currently hold and how long do you have left?
Not all the required fields are filled.

Extra Info

Other Services
Do you offer more than one primary profession or have some hidden talents you'd like to offer the salon?
Please list what services you'd like to perform
Starting Date
Sometimes urgent needs must be met. Do you have a specific date you need to start?
Maximum file size: 500 MB
If you have any documents you want to provide please do so here.
Note: Images and PDF files only please.
How did you hear about our freelance program?

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